Hints and cheats for Alchemy for Chrome Walk-through 151 - 200

151. campfire = wood + fire
152. penguin = wild animal + ice
153. snowman = snow + human
154. dog = human + wild animal
155. livestock = human + wild animal
156. train = steam engine + metal
157. steamboat = steam engine + water
158. boat = wood + water
159. pipe = tobaco + wood
160. wheel = tool + wood
161. flute = wind + wood
162. snake = wild animal + wire
163. beaver = wild animal + wood
164. chainsaw = axe + eletricity
165. lumberjack = axe + human
166. chicken = bird + livestock
167. sailboat = boat + wind
168. fireplace = campfire + house
169. hero = dragon + knight
170. fruit = farmer + tree
171. cow = lifestock + grass
172. horse = hay + livestock
173. barn = huouse + livestock
174. windmill = house + wind
175. car = wheel + metal
176. bicycle = wheel + wheel
177. pig = livestock + mud
178. water pipe = pipe + water
179. acid rain = rain + smoke
180. cyclist = bicycle + human
181. flour = cereal + stone
182. milk = cow + farmer
183. meat = cow + tool
184. fruit tree = fruit + tree
185. graveyard = grave + grave
186. gravestone = grave + stone
187. bread = flour + fire
188. dough = flour + water
189. orchard = fruit tree + fruit tree
190. ice Cream = cold + milk
191. ham = meat + smoke
192. cheese = milk + time
193. sandwich = bread + meat
194. cookie = dough + fruit
194. butcher = human + meat
195. moon = cheese + sky
196. toast = fire + sandwich
197. astronaut = human + moon
198. tides = moon + ocean
199. eclipse = moon + sun
200. night = moon + tme

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