Alchemy for Android hints and cheats S

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257. sailboat = boat + cloth
258. sailing ship = cloth + wooden ship
259. sailor = boat + man
260. salamander = fire + lizard
261. salo = man + pig
262. salt = sea + fire
263. saltpeter = limestone + manure
264. sand = stone + water
265. sandstorm = storm + sand
266. sandwich = meat + bread
267. Santa Claus = old man + chrismas tree
268. Saudi Arabia = petroleum + country
269. sauna = steam + hut
270. scarab = beetle + manure
271. scientist = library + man
272. scissors = knife + knife
273. scorpion = beetle + sand
274. Scotch whiskey = alcohol + peat
275. scotland = scotch whiskey + country
276. sea = water + water
277. seed = life + sand
278. sex = man + man
279. sex in the city = sex + city
280. shells = plankton + stone
281. sick = man + flu
282. silicon = pressure + sand
283. silk = cloth + china
284. silver = moon + metal
285. sith = jedi + assasin
286. sky = air + cloud
287. skyscraper = brick house + glass
288. smoke = fire + tobacco
289. snail = shells + worm
290. snake = swamp + worm
291. sniper = assassin + firearms
292. soap = ash + fat
293. soda water = carbon dioxide + water
294. soldier = firearms + man
295. sound = metaql + wind
296. soured milk = milk + yogurt
297. spinning wheel = wheel + wool
298. stake = wood + knife
299. star = sun + scientist
300. starwars = jedi + sith
301. statue = stone + tool
302. Statue of Liberty = USA + statue or USA + France
303. steam = air + water
304. steam engine = boiler + coal
305. steamer = steam engine + wooden ship
306. stone = air + lava
307. storm = air + energy
308. sugar = lime + reed
309. sulfur = bacteria + swamp
310. sun = sky + chariot
311. sunflower = sun + flower
312. sushi = fish + algae
313. swamp = earth + water
314. sweater = yarn + tool
315. swine flu = pig + flu
316. swiss army knife = knife + tool
317. Switzerland = clock + country


See all hints and cheats for Alchemy for Android.


  1. I don't know what can I do spider

  2. Man and man does not work for some reason it only makes crowd

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  3. What no cement limestone + Clay
