Alchemy for Chrome hints and cheats S

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160. sailboat = boat + wind
161. salt = sun + ocean or sun + sea
162. sand = air + stone
163. sandwich = bread + meat
164. scythe = blade + grass
165. sea = water + water
166. seasickness = sea  + sickness
167. seaweed = plant + ocean or plant + sea
168. sex = human + human
169. sickness = human + rain
170. sky = air + cloud
171. smoke = wood + fire
172. snake = wild animal + wire
173. snow = rain + cold
174. snowman = snow + human
175. solar cell = sun + tool
176. star = night + sky
177. steam = fire + water or water + energy
178. steam engine = boiler + tool
179. steamboat = steam engine + water
180. steel = coal + metal
181. stone = air + lava
182. storm = cloud + energy
183. sun = sky + fire
184. sundial = clock + sun
185. sunflower = sun + plant
186. swamp = plant + mud
187. sword = blade + metal


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